Mar­i­nat­ed Mush­rooms & Reserve Pinot Noir

This recipe is pret­ty abstract. It all depends upon how many mush­rooms you want to cook. They’ll keep for about a week stored in the fridge. Once grilled, it’s just a mat­ter of splash­ing sea­son­ings on to your lik­ing.

Recipe for the home cook follows

Mush­rooms — we’ve done every­thing from whole small white/​button mush­rooms to sliced king trum­pets to torn oys­ters to stemmed shi­itakes. Any big­ger than bite­size, cut or tear down in size.

Cook­ing Oil — we use a lighter olive oil but just about any­thing would work (the mush­rooms will absorb some, so it takes a lit­tle more than you think)

Flow­er­ing thyme (or herb of choice)


Toss the pre­pared mush­rooms with oil, then sea­son with salt to taste. Turn up the grill and pre­heat a sea­soned per­fo­rat­ed pan. Lay mush­rooms into the grill pan in a sin­gle lay­er. Let them cook long enough undis­turbed until they start to devel­op col­or. Then, add thyme. Stir the mush­rooms around to redis­trib­ute. Do this 2 – 3 more times. Depend­ing on the size of the mush­rooms and the heat from the grill, mush­rooms should take about 2 – 3 min­utes total — we want to keep the juices in the mush­rooms. Dump out cooked mush­rooms into a sin­gle lay­er on a pan.

To Fin­ish:

Good sher­ry vine­gar
Roast­ed gar­lic
Salt and fresh cracked black pep­per
Chopped pars­ley

Sea­son hot mush­rooms with the above sea­son­ings to your liking.

We try to keep the integri­ty of the mush­room fla­vor (we use real­ly nice and fresh Mighty Cap Mush­rooms). Enough tamari to inten­si­fy the mush­roomi­ness and add depth to the salt but not take over. Enough sher­ry vine­gar to bal­ance it out, but not make it taste pick­led. Roast­ed gar­lic and its oil to add depth and fat­ti­ness. Black pep­per and pars­ley for fresh­ness.

Enjoy them on their own. With cheeses and char­cu­terie. On a grilled cheese or burg­er. On toast! With eggs and greens for break­fast or sil­ly supper…