Each year our Winemakers taste every bottle that we’ve ever made and assign them a category to help you decide when to open that bottle. We release most of our wines in their “Early Maturity” stage, giving you the option of enjoying them soon or saving them for a special occasion. Cer­tain wines evolve and taste even bet­ter after a few years of aging in the right conditions. We hope this helps you decide what to open!

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How to read the chart


Each year, our wine­mak­ing team tastes through our entire library of wines and places them into one of the fol­low­ing categories:

EAR­LY MATU­RI­TY — fine to drink now, but will improve with age
PEAK MATU­RI­TY — a wine at its peak bal­ance of fla­vors
LATE MATU­RI­TY — a wine express­ing aged fla­vors
PAST PRIME — per­fect for cooking

While these cat­e­gories are use­ful in fig­ur­ing out when to drink a wine, wine evo­lu­tion is much more dynam­ic and unpre­dictable than a finite cat­e­go­ry would sug­gest. To read more about our process, click here »