Brussel Sprouts with bacon and apple butter on a white dish

Cast Iron Brussels Sprouts


1lb brus­sels sprouts halved or quar­tered & scored through the core
Parme­san-Reg­giano cheese, g rat­ed
Toast­ed bread­crumbs (option­al)
Herbs* (option­al)


2 – 3 heads gar­lic
1⁄2 stick melt­ed but­ter
8 – 12 good anchovies packed in oil
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp red wine or sher­ry vine­gar
2 tbsp grat­ed parme­san
1 tbsp whole­grain mus­tard
salt & coarse black pepper

First, roast your gar­lic. Cut tops off of the gar­lic heads and sea­son with oil and
salt. Pack­age them in a dou­ble lay­er of foil, with a splash of water in the bot­tom
(to help steam). Bake in 325°F oven for 45 – 60 min­utes, until gold­en, ten­der and

For the dress­ing, com­bine the list­ed ingre­di­ents in a bowl, using the back of a
spoon or a whisk to mash every­thing into a paste. Sea­son with salt & pep­per to

For the brus­sels sprouts, pre­heat your oven to 375°F. Heat a cast-iron skil­let on
the stove­top that is large enough to fit the brus­sels in a sin­gle lay­er. Once your
pan is hot, add in a driz­zle of cook­ing oil and then the brus­sels sprouts. Driz­zle a
lit­tle more oil over the top of them and sea­son with salt. Move the pan to your
heat­ed oven and roast until ten­der — stir­ring every 3 – 5 min­utes. When ten­der
(about 10 – 15 min­utes) remove from the oven and sea­son with salt and coarse
black pep­per. Toss with your dress­ing, grat­ed Parme­san and fresh­ly chopped
herbs/​breadcrumbs (if using). Enjoy!

*Chef’s note: for herbs, pars­ley, scal­lions, chopped thyme, lemon balm, a lit­tle
mar­jo­ram, even a bit of dried mint or yer­ba bue­na would be wel­come additions.