Aging Chart

The 2024 ver­sion of our Aging Chart is here! Each year, our wine­mak­ing team sets out to taste through every wine in our library with the goal of pro­vid­ing updat­ed drink­ing win­dow and aging recommendations to you. While our goal is to release wines only when they are ready to be enjoyed, cer­tain wines can often evolve and taste even bet­ter after a few years of aging in the right conditions.

We hope this inspires you to dig deep into your cel­lar and enjoy some of those spe­cial bot­tles you have been saving!

Download the aging chart here »


Each year, our wine­mak­ing team tastes through our entire library of wines and places them into one of the fol­low­ing categories:

Ear­ly Matu­ri­ty — fine to drink now, but will improve with age
Peak Matu­ri­ty — a wine at its peak bal­ance of fla­vors
Late Matu­ri­ty — a wine express­ing aged fla­vors
Past Prime — per­fect for cooking

While these cat­e­gories are use­ful in fig­ur­ing out when to drink a wine, wine evo­lu­tion is much more dynam­ic and unpre­dictable than a finite cat­e­go­ry would sug­gest. We feel like addi­tion­al expla­na­tion is help­ful! We pro­pose two use­ful ways for you to think about wine aging: Sta­tis­ti­cal­ly (for the left-brain­ers) and human equiv­a­lent (for the right-brain­ers). Since a wine’s char­ac­ter­is­tics change with time it’s less impor­tant to think of a cer­tain peri­od as ​“bet­ter or worse.” What is more impor­tant is to be cog­nizant of the pos­i­tives and neg­a­tives of each state and how they match your own pref­er­ences. Taste, learn and enjoy!

A bell-curve image of wine readiness and maturity over time


The first way to think about wine aging is that readi­ness to drink evolves in a way that mir­rors a nor­mal dis­tri­b­u­tion curve, with readi­ness to drink on the Y‑axis and time on the X‑axis.

Ear­ly Matu­ri­ty: While pleas­ant to drink, the wine may be overt­ly fruity while tan­nins can be some­what coarse and acid­i­ty is at its most apparent.

Peak Matu­ri­ty: The wine is in a very expres­sive state because the fruit, acid and tan­nin have inte­grat­ed with each oth­er. All fla­vors com­bine seam­less­ly and the mouth­feel is well-balanced.

Late Matu­ri­ty: The wine has evolved to show more dried or cooked fruit and spice or earthy fla­vors. The col­or may turn more brick-red and acid­i­ty and tan­nins are softer.

Past Prime: The wine begins to devel­op char­ac­ter­is­tics that are unde­sir­able and show age. Acid­i­ty and tan­nins are very soft to no longer present.

All wines age at dif­fer­ent rates and the length of time it takes a wine to evolve depends on its nat­ur­al char­ac­ter­is­tics. Wines with high acid­i­ty and tan­nin tend to age over a longer timeframe.


Wine is liv­ing, and way more nuanced than a sin­gle line on a graph can rep­re­sent. There­fore, we find using an anal­o­gy to your life adds much-need­ed char­ac­ter and depth of under­stand­ing. Think of each cat­e­go­ry as a peri­od in the human lifecycle:

Ear­ly Matu­ri­ty (young adult­hood) – You’re def­i­nite­ly out of the dif­fi­cult teenage years, and are feel­ing con­fi­dent. You have moments of bril­liance but are still prone to the occa­sion­al social gaffe or work­place faux-pas. You might ben­e­fit great­ly from guid­ance (aka decanting).

Peak Matu­ri­ty (adult life) – You’re now as beau­ti­ful and strong as you will ever get. You know who you are and can con­fi­dent­ly express it. If you’ve tak­en care of your­self (aka cel­lared in good con­di­tions) then you’ll bring hap­pi­ness to every­one around you.

Late Matu­ri­ty (retire­ment) – Work is for the young’uns — it’s time to relax and enjoy life. Your smile lines are reflec­tive of how much joy you’ve expe­ri­enced so far and you cher­ish every moment with fam­i­ly and friends.

Drink up!